Welcome to the Mechanical Keyboard world!


Ever since computer was popularized and became widely available for daily use, typing has been an essential input method for operation. While some people might think that typing is a stop-gap inferior input method awaiting a revolutionary final form of alternative input method, such as voice input or the more novel neural linking; some might not think about it much, treating it as another essential task like walking and breathing; some might actually love typing so much that they type everyday to try and improve on accuracy and speed. Whichever camp you fall into, there is no denying that typing is an integral part of our lives, and it is not going anywhere anytime soon. With an input method comes the input device, which in our case is the Keyboard.


Mechanical Keyboard is a very precise and intricate input device, every component hold its place and play its role in providing a unique typing experience (feel, sound, convenience, etc.) pertaining to a particular setup. Below are some major components and constituents of Mechanical Keyboards,